About Jay & Cheryl
Hi Everyone and welcome to our Best Affiliate Marketing Tools website. I have been working from home for the past 6 years. The journey working for myself and creating a business from the ground up has been eye-opening. I personally love the day and age we are living in. It is true that anyone can make a significant living from home without a high level of technical expertise.
Neither Cheryl nor I are technical savvy people. It was exciting discovering so many tools to help promote our brand, products, and services online. They weren’t too difficult to use either. The major issue came with the seemingly endless amount of programs available on the internet and finding the best affiliate marketing tools to use. It has been fun and eye-opening to see how you’re able to generate a significant income from home with these tools. 10 years ago you would need a computer science degree to do the things we can do today. It’s time for us to share the best affiliate marketing tools available online and here all in one place. The goal of this website is to provide extremely valuable information not only for the best affiliate marketing tools but to really dig into everything it takes to be successful in the affiliate marketing world.
A Little Bit About Us
As a child I was always ambitious and hungry to make money. At 8 years old my Dad allowed me to call former canceled newspaper subscribers to see if I could restart their subscriptions. I am going to date myself a bit, as this was back in 1992. The newspaper was a huge business in those days and being called by an 8-year old was more accepted in the 90’s. Whether it was car washes, mowing lawns, lemonade stands, paper routes, or recycling bundles of newspaper, I was a true entrepreneur before becoming a teenager. Cheryl on the other hand was a high achieving student focused on a 4.0 GPA. School and academia were extremely important to her and her family. Coming from a Filipino family she was expected to be a doctor, lawyer, or scientist. A high achiever as a member of the Youth Lions Club and a High School Student Body Officer for the Executive Council National Team Leadership Program. She also participated in Track and Field, Choir, and was part of the FCDAS(Filipino Dance Association) for 7 years. We have come together from totally different worlds but make a great team. Her strengths are my weaknesses and vice versa.
Sorting Through The Unnecessary
We love to help people succeed. Too many people are overwhelmed and inundated with information today. We want to provide folks solutions to their problems and become a valuable resource for helpful, useful, and enjoyable information.
We’re Here To Answer Your Questions
We don’t want you to have to figure out for yourself the best affiliate marketing tools to use. You should have the information you need to grow your business in one place which will include recommendations to the best tools, programs, and communities online. It is time to pay forward the knowledge and experience so many others have given us. Using automated business tools, reports, and being able to create a beautiful website without spending a fortune is essential. We love answering your questions. If we don’t know the answer we’ll find someone who does. Your feedback means a lot to us. Jay & Cheryl [email protected] Or Contact Us